Sunday, January 08, 2006

Treading The Boards

I’m the kind of person who finds it hard to walk and chew gum at the same time. I am learning my lines for a play at the Harlingen Performing Arts Center. I can recite them perfectly in the shower. I can recite them perfectly in the car. My husband cues me while I am cooking supper and I’ve got them down pretty well. Just when I start to accumulate a little confidence, something called blocking happens.

This play is my first acting experience. I am still not sure which is upstage and which is downstage. I think I can tell stage left from stage right, though usually it’s the other right. This is a very physical production and when I have to recite most of my lines, there are people in my face or holding my clothing while I have to fake moving away.

Aside from blocking and exaggerated movements, I wasn’t prepared for not getting my cues. At the last rehearsal I had to leave out an entire sentence that has importance to the plot because I didn’t get a cue and it was impossible to insert it without it sounding stupid. Something good did happen, though. Everyone decided that part of a scene where I have a lot of lines was silly and did nothing for plot, so it was eliminated. That’s so many less lines to learn!! I’m not at all unhappy.

I will have to wear an unflattering costume. It’s not that it makes me look fat; it actually shows up every single ounce of excess fat on my entire body! I’m being a good sport and I’ll wear it, but I’ve directed my husband, who also has a role in the play, to tell all of our friends that the costume’s been padded.

We are rehearsing almost every day. The other actors are interesting and engaging people. Our director is a talented young woman who just learned that a play she’s written will be produced next season. She’s a dear even if she makes me wear the fat costume. I’m enjoying the rehearsals. The audience should be invited to the rehearsals. Some of what goes on is funnier than the play.


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