Here I Am

This is me on the stage. I'm the one in the middle. The local paper took the photo on the Monday before we opened on Friday night. Two performances down. Four more to go.
Last night was not as good as opening night, but the audience enjoyed itself and that's what really counts. They don't know if we've missed a line or two as long as the play is funny and understandable. One of our stars who has been in many other productions told me that the second night is usually the worst. It was a self-fulfilling prophecy. He was worse the second night. I also think our first night audience appreciated the humor a little more.
We have to stand near the exits to shake hands with the theatergoers as they leave and some of the comments I've gotten are wonderful. One lady, upon seeing my other costume (no, I won't be posting a picture of that one)said that it took a lot of nerve to do the show. It does. Another woman smiled and said that she believed I had been rummaging in her closet.
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